John 15:4
‘Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me’

I love your visits,
I love it when we commune together and you listen,
I love it when your praises towards Me stop being religious,
I love it when you take Me out of the box,
When you stop labelling Me and just behold My beauty,
I love it when you praise Me not thinking about those around you,
I love it when you come to Me before man,
You seek for all I am,
Forget about the world and you realise you need Me about all else,
I love it!

But these visits are so short lived,
As quickly as you came, it’s the same pace that you leave,
And My heart is grieved because you deceive Me to believe,
That for that one moment you are finally coming back to Me,
To dwell, to abide,
The bride coming back to her bridegroom,
But you’re not, it was just a visit,
Before you go back into your life where it is all about you,
Back to your bondage of sin,
Back to the world…

But my child don’t you know I don’t dwell in a building,
You don’t have to book an appointment to meet with Me,
I sent My Son so that we could live together,
For My Spirit to dwell in you and you in I,
So now My child won’t you stay?
You don’t have to leave,
We can do everything together, yes you and I,
Because you can’t bear fruit if you’re not in Me,
You can’t keep all the commandments apart from Me,
This Christian life is going to be hard without Me.

You are the very company you keep,
So how can you become Christ-like if you don’t even know the Christ?
You don’t spend time dwelling, abiding in Me,
Because it’s only then you will begin to walk as I walk, talk as I talk, love as I love, do as I do, pray as I pray…

So My dear child won’t you stay?


This poem was taken from my latest book: Swatantra: Poetry birthed on the walk to freedom. Available on all amazon websites and kindle.

2 thoughts on “ Poem: Stay ”

  1. Oh My Lordd, ??.
    To read it from His perspective has changed everything for me. Im glad i came accross this. And im into poetry , thank You writer for allowing Him to speak through you. ??

    1. Hi Mrs B, awwww I am so glad you were blessed by the poem 🙂 Your comment has really encouraged me 🙂 Check out the link to my poetry book above for more poems. God bless you.. 🙂

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